Nature Power Foundation

Nature Power Foundation

Nombre Comercial: Nature Power Foundation
Descripción detallada de la empresa:

It is a Non-Profit Organization founded in 2017 with the purpose of promoting the Human, Social and Economic Development of the communities. It was incorporated according to the mandate of Law 122-05 for the promotion and regulation of Non-Profit Associations in the Dominican Republic. Our mission is to improve living conditions and contribute to the sustainable development of vulnerable communities in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean, facilitating access to basic energy and drinking water services through alternative sources that protect the environment. We have the vision of being a leading organization in the creation and implementation of sustainable development solutions for vulnerable communities. We contribute to sustainable DEVELOPMENT through the use of solar panels. | We facilitate ACCESS to the resource of water and energy in communities vulnerable to climatic shocks. | We promote development through education and empowerment, motivating entrepreneurship and education.

Razón Social: Nature Power Foundaion, Inc.
Sector a que pertenece: Association
Dirección: Guarocuya Street No. 117, Roaldi Plaza, El Millón, Suite 505, National District, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Número de teléfono: 809 770 2477
Tecnología: Solar photovoltaic
Año de fundación de la empresa: 2017
Nacionalidad de la empresa: Dominican
Números de empleados en la República Dominicana: 6
Regiones en el mundo donde tienen presencia: USA, Dominican Republic
Correo electrónico: [email protected]